Tuesday, June 1, 2010

An Open Letter!- 2007 Article!

An Open Letter!- 2007 Article!

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This letter is addressed to all Americans – specifically those working and residing in the AGCC.

Dear All Friends;

Just a note before I start. When I was working in my old Company - who are now paying me my pension after volunteering for Early Enhanced Retirement package – I was complained to the Senior Management as favouring Americans in my job aspects in provision of accommodation to Expatriate Staff and with the first major batch of Americans to the Oil Company. This was before the First Gulf War. I consider myself, therefore, as what you Americans refer to some of us in The Gulf in your terms as a ‘moderate’ (pragmatic) Arab National...

When September 11 struck USA, there was complete support and sympathy from all of us for the innocent victims that had perished in this assault - though the irony had remained that it was carried out by students who were seen as too being ‘moderate’ and using American attained education and training and planes. It is also an established fact that the majority who had perished in this assault were Muslims. The peoples who had died in this crime only crimes were being at the wrong time and place, and trying to feed their families.

Then came the invasion of Iraq by two super powers with alleged enmassing of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam Hussein, which remain to date as unproved and not authenticated.. That had created more enmity and bitterness to see the ‘cradle of civilization place\ being reduced to ruins disasters and inter-communal wars and polarization. In actual fact sometimes if you look at the scenes you may be excused to think that it were Israeli soldiers mistreating and abusing the poor Palestinians, the only colonized nation on the map so far!

The world especially in our part of the world has become more unsafe, dangerous and radicalized by extremism and fundamentalised, with bitterness and extreme hatred, even amongst those dared to show moderation and pragmatism in the past. As guests in our countries, you may have still noticed friendliness, welcome, respect, and esteem by at least the majority of us who still consider USA as a good, trustworthy and reliable friend, and who have invested heavily in our countries.

Our beloved country of Oman as you might have noticed in its foreign affairs has been acknowledged not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and with a balanced neutral moderate and flexible approach to many international issues and aspects – and in actual fact is able to talk and convince and influence to both sides of the equation, a rare achievement and attainment to many others. This comes from the great statesmanship, renaissance and enlightment leadership of our beloved Sultan Qaboos bin Said, in actual facts with established and legendary achievements on all fronts.

Dear Friends – you must have noticed also the legendary friendship, welcome and warmth from many of us in the AGCC, followed by the respect and esteem. Our countries are the safest and peaceful in the world, and Expatriates of all kinds can walk freely even late at night wIth no interference or trespass. We do not deny that there are some ‘misled elements’ and problems too emanating from ‘fundamentalism’ and mispicture of what is our true Islamic faith which believes in co-existence peace love and harmony amongst peoples of the world. In actual reference is made in our Holy Book the Quraan that taking of innocent lives and causing harm, maiming and injuries is an unforgivable greatest sin you can commit to others.

Our Islamic Religion has the same beliefs that you Christians (and Judaism) have from Adam and Eve, to the Great Prophets like Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, Jesus and Moses, Mother Miriam Mother of Jesus and the miracle birth – and all other Prophets like Noah, Lot, Solomon etc. This is a common bond and belief amongst the great three Religions of the world. The question, therefore, should be – why are then we fighting against each other, especially supposed to be First Cousins between Arabs and Jews, when we all come from the Great Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) – May Allah Be Pleased With Him?

The unjustified and cruel invasion of Lebanon has made me write this letter. You need to influence those back home especially the Policy Makers to be more just, fair, ethical and pragmatic in dealings with this part of the world especially where America has huge vested interests and where many of your remaining friends are there still. Please do not radicalize our part of the world by blind support to Israel and what it does to this part of the world. Do not allow the few misguided elements to establish more roots and roots, by tapping in increased disappointments, hatreds, inflamed anger and bitterness.

There is SIMPLY NOTHING that stops you from having that ‘special relationship’ with Israel, but still maintain a balance and pragmatism by being friends with us too. If there will be losses it will affect everyone, and my letter is intended to appeal to your conscience and remember your own history of fight of Independence – so why are the Palestinians and the Lebanese any different? Don’t they deserve too to live in peace and harmony, and to maximize their potentials, with respect, life and dignity? If you need to follow an example, there is the European Union and Russia on this front. Thus are things to remember – what goes around comes around. The younger generation now will grow into future leadership roles, and it is no god to make them all full of anger, bitterness and hatred.

If Israel and their future generations want to live in peace and harmony in a two nations state in peaceful recognized borders they have to realize that their given armed superiority will not be a guarantee towards that focus, goal and achievements, especially them being a minority in this part of the world. The Arabs and Israelis have very high potentials to tap in if there will be understanding, peace and harmony in our world. How can the rest of the world watch in silence when a great nation like Lebanon is reduced to rubbles and ruins, killing of innocent civilians and children? Where is the American fair play of justice, ethics and pragmatism? The even-handedness and fairness.

There are two parties at fault here – just blaming one part has never been the American way of doing things, though this lately has been the focus and approach. If you want to maintain our friendships, warmth and esteem and respect – it is high time you of those living in our part of the world not to remain detached and quiet and do nothing. It is incumbent of you to speak out, and try to guide and influence those especially at home, and those in the leadership.

Please accept regards and wishes – and sincere and genuine apologies for anything said that might have caused annoyance – which was not intended.

Best regards,

Majid Al Suleimany (2007 Article)

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